Cinco De Mayo 2021
A celebration that over time has strengthened the historical bonds between Mexico and the United States!

This Cinco De Mayo to commemorate the diverse historical and social aspects of this celebration that has transcended borders. Enjoy our special program starting at 11:30AM (DC) / 10:30AM (CDMX) through our social media with art, history, music, and much more! Presented by the Embassy of Mexico in the United States, the Government of the State of Puebla, the Mexican Cultural Institute, the Consulate-General of Mexico in Sacramento, Bermúdez Projects, the Miami-Homestead Mariachi Conservatory, in collaboration with the Mexican American Council.
-Mensaje de apertura ‘El Cinco de Mayo: celebración que une a México y Estados Unidos’
-Historia narrada de la Batalla de Puebla del 5 de mayo de 1862
-Presentación del ensamble sinfónico-coral del estado de Puebla
-Opening of the virtual Mexican and Chicano art exhibit "A Little Bit of Home", in collaboration with Bermúdez Projects
-Cápsulas musicales: mariachi infantil del Miami-Homestead Mariachi Conservatory, en colaboración con el Mexican American Council